Tuesday, June 24, 2008

LOCATION CHANGE - Workshop this Sunday

The location for this Sunday's Workshop has changed to:
Natural Expression Studio
2800 Shamrock Ave. Suite B,
Fort Worth, TX 76107

OK, here is updated info on the location. We had several people who were not comfortable with the release. Even though it's a standard release, I don't want to pressure anyone to sign it. Since most of you signed up for this before the location was annouced we have relocated it to a nice studio that isn't a stickler for all this paper work the Cotton Mill is insisting upon.

Please check your email for the update on the location. The address and location have been updated in this post. This new location is spacious and PERFECT for what we are doing. We'll have plenty of room and the owners have been really great to us!

Email me if you have any questions or if you aren't getting our emails. We are using the email address you provided with your paypal account.

And no - you dont have to fill out or fax back anything ahead of time. Just show up at 1pm and get ready to have some fun.